Carmen Esposito

Also writes as Leandra A. Reyes

Grandmother, dreamer, and New Yorker.

As it often happens, I found that my interests in writing were not as linear as I thought.

The path to non-Fiction writing led me to immerse myself in the area of journaling and discover the benefits of doing so. With this in mind, I ventured in creating my  own journal.

Additionally, I enjoy writing Flash Fiction with a touch of Fantasy and Horror. There are days when I’m typing away with swirling visualization of being a novelist, when it  becomes all too real that it’s not easy to write. The page or the screen stares back at me taunting me, daring me to fill it with something – a sentence that is worth reading.  It’s hard, but I do it – or at least, I try to.

Come along on my journey to become a better writer one Flash Fiction at a time.

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